Search Results: 18 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

In Arctic Waters

Laura Crawford (author), Ben Hodson (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180142

This arctic adaptation of "This is the House that Jack Built" follows polar bears, walruses, seals, narwhals and beluga whales as they chase each other around "the ice that floats in the Arctic waters." Not only is the rhythmic, cumulative prose good for early readers; it is a pure delight to read aloud. The "For Creative Minds" section helps children learn how these animals live in the cold, icy arctic region.

Honey Girl: The Hawaiian Monk Seal

Jeanne Walker Harvey (author), Shennen Bersani (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628559248

Hawaiian locals and visitors always enjoy spotting endangered Hawaiian monk seals, but Honey Girl is an extra special case. She has raised seven pups, and scientists call her Super Mom. After Honey Girl is injured by a fishhook, she gets very sick. Scientists and veterinarians work to save Honey Girl so she can be released back to the ocean. This true story will have readers captivated to learn more about this endangered species.

Contando los cangrejos herradura a la luz de la luna

Jennifer Keats Curtis Dr. Neeti Bathala (author), Veronica V. Jones (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628559347

¡También los niños pueden involucrarse en las ciencias! En esta colaboración entre la Dra. Ecologista Netti Bathala y Jennifer Keats Curtis, conoceremos a Lana y a su mamá. Cada verano, las dos son voluntarias para contar los cangrejos herradura que visitan su playa. Los lectores van a aprender datos muy valiosos acerca de esos animales antiguos y cómo pueden involucrarse en el esfuerzo para conservarlos.

Honey Girl: La foca monje de Hawái

Jeanne Walker Harvey (author), Shennen Bersani (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628559255

La gente de la región de Hawái y los visitantes siempre disfrutan cuando pueden ver a las focas monje de Hawái que, desafortunadamente, están en peligro de extinción pero, Honey Girl es un caso extra especial. Ella ha criado a siete cachorritos, y los científicos le llaman “La Super Mamá”. Después de que Honey Girl se enreda en un anzuelo, ella se pone muy enferma. Los científicos y los veterinarios trabajan para salvarla hasta que ella pueda ser devuelta a su playa. Esta historia verdadera tendrá a los lectores fascinados por aprender más acerca de estas especies en peligro de extinción.

Moonlight Crab Count

Jennifer Keats Curtis Dr. Neeti Bathala (author), Veronica V. Jones (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628559330

Even kids can get involved in science! Ecologist Dr. Neeti Bathala and Jennifer Keats Curtis collaborate to bring us the story of these adventurous citizen scientists. Leena and her mom volunteer each summer to count the horseshoe crabs that visit their beach. With their dog Bobie at their sides, the duo spends a night on the shore surveying horseshoe crabs who have come to mate and lay eggs. Readers will learn valuable facts about these ancient animals and how they can get involved in the effort to conserve horseshoe crabs.

After A While Crocodile: Alexa's Diary

Dr. Brady Barr and Jennifer Keats Curtis (author), Susan Detwiler (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628558371

Alexa and the other children at her escuela in Costa Rica have a special project: they are raising American Crocodiles. She names her croc Jefe, which means "boss," because he seems to be in charge of all the other babies. Alexa brings him chicken and frogs to eat, and writes about his progress in her diary. Soon, her little hatchling is as big as a loaf of bread. He has grown into a juvenile and it is time for Alexa to say goodbye and for Jefe to return to the wild.

La dama de los pingüinos

Carol A. Cole (author), Sherry Rogers (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607185543

¡Penélope Parker vive con unos pingüinos! Pequeños, grandes; jóvenes y viejos—los pingüinos vienen de todas partes del Hemisferio Sur incluyendo algunos que viven ¡cerca del ecuador! Las bromas de los pingüinos ¿van más allá de lo que ella puede aguantar? Los niños cuentan y después comparan y contrastan a diez diferentes especies de pingüinos mientras aprenden geografía.

Habitat Spy

Cynthia Kieber-King (author), Christina Wald (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607181422

Told in rhyming narrative, Habitat Spy invites children to find plants (or algae), invertebrates, birds, and mammals living in thirteen different North American habitats: backyard, beach, bog, cave, desert, forest, meadow, mountain, ocean, plains, pond, river, and swamp. Children will have fun discovering the characteristics of each habitat as they "spy," identify, and count the resident plants and animals and learn about the interactions between living and non-living things.

En sus marcas, listos… ¡ESPÉREN!

Patti R. Zelch (author), Connie McLennan (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607181088

Huracán...sólo la palabra nos trae en mente el poder de estas catástrofes. La gente mira las noticias y sabe de la llegada inminente. Tapamos las ventanas y juntamos provisiones. Nosotros podríamos acurrucarnos en nuestras casas o ir tierra adentro. Entonces esperamos a que la tormenta llegue. ¿Pero, qué hacen los animales salvajes? ¿Saben ellos que una tormenta viene? De ser así, ¿cómo se preparan? Este libro explica como nueve animales, se dan cuenta, reaccionan, y se preparan para un huracán. Basado en investigaciones y observaciones, las breves historias son explicadas en la lengua simple, poética para niños de todas las edades.

Ready, Set . . . WAIT! What Animals Do Before a Hurricane

Patti R. Zelch (author), Connie McLennan (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180975

Hurricane . . . just the word brings to mind the power of these natural disasters. Humans watch the news and know of impending arrival. We board up windows and gather supplies. We might huddle in our homes or go inland. Then we wait for the storm to arrive. But what do wild animals do? Do they know when a storm is coming? If so, how do they prepare? This book explains how nine animals sense, react, and prepare for a hurricane. Based on research or observations, the brief portraits are explained in simple, poetic language for children of all ages.

En las aguas árticas

Laura Crawford (author), Ben Hodson (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781934359495

Únete a la diversión de los animales del ártico mientras se persiguen el uno al otro alrededor "del hielo que flota en las aguas árticas" ¿Qué pasa cuando se interrumpe y se hecha a perder esta diversión?

Turtle Summer: A Journal For My Daughter

Mary Alice Monroe (author), Barbara J. Bergwerf (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180166

This is a companion book to Mary Alice Monroe's novel, Swimming Lessons, the sequel to The Beach House. In the novel, the readers witness a young mother, Toy, writing a journal for her daughter, Little Lovie. This is the journal Toy is writing. Using original photographs, this scrapbook journal explains the nesting cycle of sea turtles and the natural life along the Southeastern coast, including local shore birds, shells, and the sea turtle hospital. Adults and children will enjoy the images, information and the journal with or without the novel. The "For Creative Minds" educational section includes turtle nesting facts, a shell identification activity, and a make-your-own nature journal.

Ocean Seasons

Ron Hirschi (author), Kirsten Carlson (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180180

Seasons change in the ocean much as they do on land. Spring brings new plants and baby animals, summer oceans glow with sparkly plankton lights, and autumn winds blow across the open water. In winter the humpback whales migrate to warmer waters, just as some land animals move to warmer climates. The cycle begins again as they return to the northern waters in the spring. In fun, fanciful form, Ocean Seasons introduces plants and animals that are joined through the mix of seasons, food webs, and habitats beneath the waves. While set in the Pacific, similar changes occur in the Atlantic also. The "For Creative Minds" learning sections features and "Ocean Food Web Card Game."

A Day in the Salt Marsh

Kevin Kurtz (author), Consie Powell (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180210

Enjoy a day in one of the most dynamic habitats on earth: the salt marsh. Fun-to-read, rhyming verse introduces readers to hourly changes in the marsh as the tide comes and goes. Watch the animals that have adapted to this ever-changing environment as they hunt for food or play in the sun, and learn how the marsh grass survives even when it is covered by saltwater twice a day. An activity on adaptations is included in the "For Creative Minds" section.

Ocean Hide and Seek

Jennifer Evans Kramer (author), Gary R. Phillips (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180562

The sea is a place of mystery, where animals big and small play hide and seek! Can you imagine a shark hiding in the light? What about a clownfish in plain sight? Don't believe it? Then, sink into the deep blue sea with Jennifer Evans Kramer and Ocean Hide and Seek! Surround yourself with the vibrant ocean illustrations of Gary R. Phillips. The ocean is an old, old place, and the exotic animals in the depths have learned to adapt to their surroundings to survive. Can you find the creatures hidden on every page? Or will you, too, be fooled by an ancient, underwater disguise? The "For Creative Minds" learning section includes an "Animal Classification" and "Food for Thought" activity.

Carolina's Story: Sea Turtles Get Sick Too!

Donna Rathmell (author), Barbara J. Bergwerf (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180005

Follow the photo journal of Carolina, a critically ill loggerhead sea turtle, as she is cared for and nursed back to health at the Sea Turtle Hospital of the South Carolina Aquarium. Just like hospitalized children, Carolina goes through a variety of emotions and procedures during her care and recovery process. When she first arrives at the hospital, she is too sick, weak, and confused to understand what is happening. She has blood drawn, x-rays taken, gets shots, and is fed through an IV...just as ill children may be! As she gains strength, she begins to interact with her caregivers and to, begrudgingly, understand that they are really trying to help. Join her as she interacts with her many caregivers and her sick or injured roommate turtles. Celebrate the happy day she is released back into the open arms of the ocean - a healthy and happy sea turtle! The "For Creative Minds" section includes a craft, game ideas and information on sea turtles. The author and photographer donate a portion of their royalties to the Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Program at the South Carolina Aquarium.

Ayudantes de animales: acuarios

Jennifer Keats Curtis (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628552393

¿Dónde más te podrías quedar seco mientrasvisitas animales acuáticos provenientes de todoel mundo? Únicamente en un acuario puedeshacerlo mientras lo visitas y aprendes acerca detodos estos diferentes animales que son localesy exóticos. El personal del acuario los cuida y nosenseña acerca de estos animales, mientras trabajapara conservar y proteger a las especies que estánen peligro o en vías de extinción. Sigue este diariofotográfico “detrás de las cámaras” mientras telleva al maravilloso mundo de los acuarios y losayudantes de animales que trabajan ahí.

Animal Helpers: Aquariums

Jennifer Keats Curtis (author)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781628552300

Where else could you stay dry while visiting aquatic animals from around the world? Only in an aquarium can you visit and learn about all these different local and exotic animals. Aquarium staff care for and teach about these animals, as well as work to conserve and protect threatened and endangered species. Follow this behind-the-scenes photographic journal as it leads you into the wondrous world of aquariums and the animal helpers who work there.