Search Results: 7 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Tudley Didn't Know

John Himmelman (author), John Himmelman (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180081

Tudley, a pond-living painted turtle, adopts other animals' behaviors--simply because he doesn't know he can't! He flies like a bird, sings like a katydid, hops like a frog, and glows like a firefly. All the while, he uses his special behaviors to help other animals. But will Tudley's new friends help him when he needs help? The "For Creative Minds" education section includes fun facts about painted turtles, rubythroated hummingbirds, fireflies, leopard frogs, and true katydids. It also contains a "Make a Hopping Tudley" craft, a recipe for hummingbird sugar water, a "Creative Sparks" section, and a "Food for Thought" section.

La historia de Campeona: ¡A los perros les da cáncer también!

Sherry North (author), Kathleen Rietz (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607181132

Los niños que afrontan el cáncer—sea su propio, un miembro de la familia, un amigo, o hasta un animal doméstico—encontrarán en este libro ayuda para el entendimiento de esta enfermedad. Un muchacho joven descubre una protuberancia en su perro, quien luego es diagnosticado con esas palabras temidas: “Es cáncer”. El muchacho cariñosamente se encarga del cuidado de su perro que será sometido a los mismos tipos de tratamientos y que tendrá muchas de las mismas reacciones que un humano tendría en circunstancias similares (transferencia). La escritora médica y autora premiada de libros de niños, Sherry North, teje artísticamente este serio tema con una historia que hasta los chiquitos pueden comprender.

Champ's Story: Dogs Get Cancer Too!

Sherry North (author), Kathleen Rietz (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607181026

Children facing cancer--whether their own, a family member's, a friend's, or even a pet's--will find help in understanding the disease through this book. A young boy discovers his dog's lump, which is then diagnosed with those dreaded words: "It's cancer." The boy becomes a loving caretaker to his dog, who undergoes the same types of treatments and many of the same reactions as a human under similar circumstances (transference). Medical writer and award-winning children's author, Sherry North artfully weaves the serious subject into an empathetic story that even young children can understand.

El alce y la urraca

Bettina Restrepo (author), Sherry Rogers (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180524

No siempre es fácil ser un alce pero este jóven tiene una amiga especial que cuenta chistes para así mantenerle compañía y para ayudarle a encontrar su camino. Únete junto con el alce y la urraca y algunos de sus amigos mientras retozan durante un año lleno de cambios. Aprénde qué tienen en común la Campana de la Libertad y el alce y por qué el alce cruza el camino. Ríete junto con El alce y la urraca, y aprende algo ya que estás en esto.


Susan K. Mitchell (author), Sherry Rogers (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781934359600

Cuando un raro y pequeño animalito aparece fuera de la nada después de un gran chubasco, ¡los animales australianos se preguntan de dónde puede ser! Su piel, sus patas, su cola, y su pico como de cuchara de helado les recordaba a cada animal algo diferente. Con un espiritu “australiano”, todos se ponen a trabajar con entusiasmo para ayudarle a descubrir su procedencia. Catarrinco es la historia de la aventura de un animalito que quiere buscar su lugar en este mundo y como algunas veces se caerá de bruces al querer llegar ahí. Una historia del corazón con un destello inconfundible, Catarrinco prueba que, con una poquita de determinación (y algunos buenos amigos) cuando te caes puedes levantarte y seguir de nuevo.

Moose and Magpie

Bettina Restrepo (author), Sherry Rogers (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180623

It isn't always easy being a moose but this young moose has a special, joke-telling friend to keep him company and to help him find his way. Join Moose, Magpie and some of their other animal friends as they frolic through a year of changes. Learn what the Liberty Bell and moose have in common or why moose cross the road. Laugh along with Moose and Magpie, and learn something while you are at it. The "For Creative Minds" educational section includes: Is it for real?, Moose and birds, What do moose eat?, Match the moose body part to its adaptation, Moose life cycle, Moose antlers, and Moose fun facts.


Susan K. Mitchell (author), Sherry Rogers (illustrator)

Publisher: Arbordale Publishing ISBN: 9781607180258

When a strange creature appears after the big rains, Australian animals wonder what he could be! His fur, feet, tail, and duck-like bill remind each animal of something different. But with a "down-under" spirit, they all pitch in to help him discover where he belongs. Kersplatypus is the story of one creature's journey to find his place in the world and how he sometimes falls flat on the way there.