Search Results: 14 books from 2 publishers. Learn more

Ed spécial

Eric Walters (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781554698585

Edward est paresseux. Il se contente de la note de passage. Lorsqu'il découvre que les élèves admis en éducation spéciale ont plus de temps pour faire leurs examens, il croit avoir trouvé la combine parfaite. Il ne s'attend pas à devoir faire autant d'efforts pour manipuler son entourage. Edward is a classic slacker. He's got better ways to spend his time than toiling over homework, and as long as he gets passing grades he's happy. When his fifty percent average is threatened he has to find a way to pull up his grades without applying himself. Edward discovers that special education students get more time to complete tests, and he thinks he's found the perfect scam. Little does he know that manipulating everyone around him will take more work than he ever imagined.

L’autobus infernal

Gail Anderson-Dargatz (author) Rachel Martinez (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459835764

Marc est un garçon de la ville qui est allé vivre chez sa grand-mère à la campagne pendant que sa mère est en cure de désintoxication. Pour la première fois de sa vie, il doit voyager en autobus scolaire. Le long trajet dans un véhicule bruyant n’a rien à voir avec les transports en commun de la ville : il y a un genre de code secret pour savoir où on peut s’asseoir, les jeunes crient sans arrêt et quelqu’un essaie même de mettre le feu au siège de Marc. Marc juge rapidement que tous ces jeunes sont fous et qu’il doit tout faire pour les éviter. Toutefois, lorsqu’un accident survient, il apprend qu’il a plus de points en commun avec ces ados de la campagne qu’il ne le croyait.

La triche

Kristin Butcher (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781554699988

Laurel se découvre une passion pour le journalisme d'investigation. Pour écrire un article-choc, elle mène une enquête sur une triche à son école. Elle découvre que la tricherie est généralisée—beaucoup plus qu'elle ne l'avait imaginé. Aveugle à toute autre préoccupation, Laurel est prête à perdre ses amies pour tirer cette histoire au clair. Mais son ultime découverte change tout. Laurel discovers her passion for investigative journalism when she writes an article for her school paper about the homeless man who's been living at the school. Eager to write more articles with impact, she launches an investigation of a cheating scam at her high school. Laurel's efforts elicit hostility from her classmates. Nobody is interested in seeing her article go to print, not even her own brother. It is evident that the cheating is widespread, and Laurel, caught up in the thrill of the investigation, is willing to commit social suicide to get the story, but her ultimate discovery changes everything.

Vive le poulet!

Mahtab Narsimhan (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459833234

Shivani a quitté Mumbai il y a quelques mois à peine… Mais elle ne se sent plus vraiment comme une étrangère. Elle aime sa nouvelle école et elle a enfin une amie. Par contre, quand sa mère se propose pour cuisiner pour la fête-bénéfice annuelle de l’école, Shivani est sûre qu’elle deviendra la risée de tout le monde. Qu’est-ce qui arrivera si sa mère décide de préparer un de ses « plats qui puent » ? Shivani adore la cuisine indienne, mais pas question d’en manger devant ses amis. Dès son entrée dans le gymnase le jour de la fête de l’école, Shivani sait que ses pires craintes sont devenues réalité : l’odeur caractéristique des épices indiennes flotte dans l’air. Mais ensuite, elle voit que des dizaines de personnes font la file devant le stand de sa mère. C’est le plus populaire !

Je Suis Triste

Amber Bullis (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781645278276

In this book, readers will discover how to recognize sadness in themselves and others, how to best respond to it, and how to communicate about these feelings. Social and emotional learning (SEL) concepts support growth mindset throughout, while Try This! and Grow with Goals activities at the end of the book further reinforce the content.

J'ai Peur

Amber Bullis (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781645278238

In this book, readers will discover how to recognize fear in themselves and others, how to best respond to it, and how to communicate about these feelings. Social and emotional learning (SEL) concepts support growth mindset throughout, while Try This! and Grow with Goals activities at the end of the book further reinforce the content.

Je Suis Content

Amber Bullis (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781645278245

In this book, readers will discover how to recognize happiness in themselves and others, how to best respond to it, and how to communicate about these feelings. Social and emotional learning (SEL) concepts support growth mindset throughout, while Try This! and Grow with Goals activities at the end of the book further reinforce the content.

Je Suis Nerveux

Amber Bullis (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781645278269

In this book, readers will discover how to recognize nervousness in themselves and others, how to best respond to it, and how to communicate about these feelings. Social and emotional learning (SEL) concepts support growth mindset throughout, while Try This! and Grow with Goals activities at the end of the book further reinforce the content.

Manger en Pleine Conscience

Amber Bullis (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781645278214

In this book, early fluent readers will learn about mindfulness and discover how easily it can be applied to their daily lives and eating habits. Social and emotional learning (SEL) concepts support growth mindset throughout, while Try This! and Grow with Goals activities at the end of the book further reinforce the content.

Trouver le Sommeil en Pleine Conscience

Amber Bullis (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781645278221

In this book, early fluent readers will learn about mindfulness and discover how easily it can be applied to their daily lives and bedtime routine. Social and emotional learning (SEL) concepts support growth mindset throughout, while Try This! and Grow with Goals activities at the end of the book further reinforce the content.

En Plein Conscience Dans la Nature

Amber Bullis (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781645278184

In this book, early fluent readers will learn about mindfulness and discover how easily it can be applied to their daily lives and time in nature. Social and emotional learning (SEL) concepts support growth mindset throughout, while Try This! and Grow with Goals activities at the end of the book further reinforce the content.

Faire du Sport en Plein Conscience

Amber Bullis (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781645278191

In this book, early fluent readers will learn about mindfulness and discover how easily it can be applied to their daily lives and participation in sports. Social and emotional learning (SEL) concepts support growth mindset throughout, while Try This! and Grow with Goals activities at the end of the book further reinforce the content.

En Plein Conscience à L'école

Amber Bullis (author)

Publisher: Jump Library ISBN: 9781645278177

In this book, early fluent readers will learn about mindfulness and discover how easily it can be applied to their daily lives and school days. Social and emotional learning (SEL) concepts support growth mindset throughout, while Try This! and Grow with Goals activities at the end of the book further reinforce the content.

La revanche parfaite

K. L. Denman (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781554698547

Lizzie Lane a l'habitude de vivre au sommet de la chaîne alimentaire. Sa vie presque parfaite bascule lorsque Rachel, une victime sociale de Lizzie, réussit à lui attirer des ennuis à l'école. La vengeance de Rachel détourne de Lizzie même ses amies les plus proches. Lorsque l'étrange nouvelle voisine de Lizzie lui enseigne quelques notions de magie, Lizzie ne peut s'empêcher de jeter un sort à Rachel. Mais elle oublie la « Loi de trois », selon laquelle tout sort que l'on jette revient vers soi multiplié par trois, et elle devient la victime de son propre complot de revanche. Lizzie Lane is used to life at the top of the food chain. Her near-perfect life is ruined when Rachel, a girl she socially destroyed, exacts her revenge by getting Lizzie in trouble for cheating on a test. Friendless and facing detention, Lizzie obsesses over finding the perfect revenge. When Stella, Lizzie's strange new neighbor, teaches Lizzie about magick, Lizzie can't resist creating a revenge spell. But she forgets the "rule of three," that whatever spell you cast comes back on you three-fold, and her zit spell backfires with dramatic results. When she asks for help from Stella's Baba, the only advice she gets is to "write the lesson of the zit on her heart." Can Lizzie find a way to teach Rachel a lesson without causing permanent disfigurement to herself?