Search Results: 7 books from 1 publisher. Learn more

Robert Bateman: The Boy Who Painted Nature

Margriet Ruurs (author) Robert Bateman (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459819948

Celebrated artist Robert Bateman is renowned internationally for bringing the natural ?world to life on the canvas. A naturalist and painter from his youth, Robert has for decades used his recognition to shed light on environmental issues and advocate for animal welfare. Robert Bateman: The Boy Who Painted Nature is the story of how a young child achieved his dream of painting the world around him and became one of Canada's most famous artists. Using Robert's own personal photographs, sketches and artwork, author Margriet Ruurs weaves a simple story of inspiration and encouragement. A story to motivate all the budding artists and naturalists in your life, with proceeds benefiting The Bateman Foundation.

Pas de chevaux dans la maison!

Mireille Messier (author) Anna Bron (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459836013

Cette histoire inspirante, qui raconte la vie incroyable de l’artiste pionnière, féministe et queer Rosa Bonheur, dépeint les premières années de Rosa et son acharnement à réaliser ses rêves. Rosa Bonheur adorait dessiner des animaux. Et elle y excellait ! Mais dans la France du XIXe siècle, les filles n’avaient pas le droit d’être artistes. Mais Rosa n’allait pas laisser cela l’arrêter. Dans cette belle mise en récit des débuts de Rosa à Paris, les jeunes lecteurs découvrent l’artiste qui étudie le dessin dans la maison paternelle en s’aidant d’une ménagerie d’animaux qu’elle observe de près. Lorsqu’un jour Rosa est chassée du marché des chevaux pour avoir porté des vêtements masculins, elle doit faire preuve de créativité pour contourner les règles et poursuivre son rêve de devenir une peintre réaliste de classe mondiale.

No Horses in the House!

Mireille Messier (author) Anna Bron (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459833531

Rosa Bonheur loved to draw animals. She was good at it too! Unfortunately, in nineteenth-century France, girls were not allowed to be artists. But Rosa didn't let that stop her. In this fictionalized account of her early life in Paris, Rosa studies art at home, bringing a menagerie of animals into the apartment to study up close. When she is kicked out of the horse market for sneaking in wearing boys clothing, Rosa must think creatively to challenge the rules in pursuit of her dream of becoming a world-class realist painter and artist.

Soapstone Signs

Jeff Pinkney (author), Darlene Gait (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781459804012

One spring, a nine-year-old Cree boy is visited by a master soapstone carver named Lindy, who gives him four pieces of soapstone. The primary secret to carving, the boy learns, is recognizing that each piece of soapstone already holds its true form inside. Lindy teaches the boy to listen to the soapstone and look to the world around him for signs as to what to carve. As the seasons change, the young boy’s experiences lend him opportunities to develop his carving skills and become attuned to the signs around him. He eagerly awaits the following spring, which will bring Lindy’s return and a chance to show off his carvings.

Art's Supplies

Chris Tougas (author)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781551439228

In this delightful tale of the power of the imagination, Art's supplies come to life in the studio, creating mayhem and magic -- and art! Pastels, pencils and paints, crayons, brushes and markers, everything gets in on the act of creating a mess-terpiece of fun. Chris Tougas' brilliant illustrations and clever text explore the essence of the creative process in a way that children will understand.

Seeing Orange

Sara Cassidy (author), Amy Meissner (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781554699964

Seven-year-old Leland has trouble writing, but he loves drawing. He so dislikes his teacher that he conjures up Delilah, an imaginary seeing-eye dog to help him into class each day. When a neighborhood painter recognizes Leland's gifts as an artist, Leland grows more confident about the world as he uniquely sees it. And when his family's cat goes missing, it is Leland's keen observation skills that lead to finding him. Leland's newfound confidence helps him both confront and sympathize with his teacher, who only wishes Leland could be a bit more focused.

Jeffrey and Sloth

Kari-Lynn Winters (author), Ben Hodson (illustrator)

Publisher: Orca Book Publishers ISBN: 9781551438894

Jeffrey can't think of a thing to write, so he doodles instead, only to have his doodle begin to order him about. Jeffrey struggles with the situation until he discovers that the most strong-willed doodle is powerless against a well-told tale. Jeffrey and Sloth is bound to have children rushing for their colored pencils and their pens to see who and what they can create.